CBS reports (see video above) that FEMA is shuttling people into "camps"--yes they even call them camps, multiple times, at the end of the report)
Brian Sotelo, a New Jersey resident held up at one of these camps, was able to express his anger about the conditions in these camps to a local newspaper, the Asbury Park Press, before security officers at the camp threatened the journalists to leave. He tells a tale of him and his family, first being fooled by the Red Cross,
"Red Cross made an announcement that they were sending us to permanent structures up here that had just been redone, that had washing machines and hot showers and steady electric, and they sent us to tent city. We got (expletive)."
The article goes on to describe conditions in this camp, which resemble a nightmare scenario that you would see in a movie.
"There were Blackhawk helicopters flying over all day and night. They have heavy equipment moving past the tents all night...No media is allowed inside the fenced complex...lines of outdoor portable toilets, of snow and ice breaching the bottom of the tent and an elderly woman sitting up, huddled in blankets...All the while, a black car with tinted windows crests the hill and cruises by, as if to check on the proceedings...As Sotelo tells it, when it became clear that the residents were less than enamored with their new accommodations and were letting the outside world know about it, officials tried to stop them from taking pictures, turned off the WiFi and said they couldn’t charge their smart phones because there wasn’t enough power.”
Keep in mind that the budget for FEMA is well into the billions! With that kind of money, we should be expecting much better service from the Federal Emergency Management Agency, unless of course, their main concern is not assisting Americans get back to their normal life in the time of emergency, but they may actually have a hidden agenda, or, like most government agencies, are just extremely corrupt and looted the money.
In related news, shortly after the storm hit, I wrote an article questioning whether President Obama was going to receive the same hate for FEMA's response to Hurricane Sandy victims, as President Bush did for their response to Hurricane Katrina victims. So far, as expected, he has not.
Here is the full episode of Jesse Ventura's Conspiracy Theory "FEMA CAMP" episode:
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